
Arrasa Con Todo (Devastate Everything)


Our powerful cleansing soap, crafted with the intention to eliminate and banish harmful energies from your life. This exceptional soap is designed to aid in the removal of negativity, allowing you to create a space of positivity and renewal.

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Our powerful cleansing soap, crafted with the intention to eliminate and banish harmful energies from your life. This exceptional soap is designed to aid in the removal of negativity, allowing you to create a space of positivity and renewal.

Harness the transformative energy of this unique soap as you lather up and wash away the burdens of negativity that may be weighing you down. Each carefully selected ingredient works synergistically to purify, cleanse, and release negative vibrations, leaving you refreshed and revitalized.

Embrace the opportunity to create a fresh start and break free from the grip of harmful influences. As you engage in your cleansing ritual, envision the soap’s purifying qualities penetrating deeply, dissolving negativity and providing a sense of liberation.

Experience the profound impact of this cleansing soap as it helps you clear away obstacles and create space for positive growth and transformation. With each use, you invite a renewed sense of harmony, balance, and well-being into your life.

Embrace the empowering potential of our cleansing soap and embark on a journey of release and renewal. Embrace the transformative energy that awaits you and let this soap be your ally in destroying all that no longer serves you, paving the way for a brighter and more positive future.

Additional information

Weight8 oz
Dimensions6 × 4 × 6 in



250 g


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